Chairlift Chatter: Episode 4

This past weekend Whitetail was the busiest it has ever been this entire season so they were really trying to pack the chairs. Conditions were some of the best this season and it was a blue bird day, so crowded lines wasn’t that big of a shock to me.

Chat #1: The Local

Rode the chair on the backside of Whitetail, started talking this snowboarder who turns out to a  local. So local, that he said you might actually be able to see his house from the top of the mountain. He had a season pass just like us and was saying that he has only miss around 10 days of not being on the mountain this entire season(must be nice). Then I told him about a YouTube blogger that moved out to CO to try and snowboard and document every single day of riding out there. Then the local was saying how his dad lived out in Breckenridge, CO for a year and how he didn’t miss a single day of being on the slopes. Then we started talking about conditions there at Whitetail, which trails on the expert side were good. I let him know that the Far Side trail was sort of icy and Anthony told him that Exhibition(mogul run) was really soft. He ended up going down Exhibition.

Chat #2: Middle Aged Men

They start off with the usual topic of how great the weather and conditions were for it being Whitetail. Then one of them was saying how he is going out to Beaver Creek(CO) in 3 weeks, so I chime and say that we are also heading out there in 3 weeks as well. I go into some more detail about how we usually hit up Vail, Beaver Creek and Breckenridge. Then he says how he really enjoys skiing at Breckenridge especially with the new(brand new last season) Peak 6. I agreed with him and said that I’d like to spend more time on Peak 6, since we only did 2 runs over there.



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